filter for DC/DC converter applications. The product aligns
requirements for hot
insertion and board level conducted noise limitations. The
EMI filter provides active conducted common-mode (CM) and
differential-mode (DM) noise attenuation from 150 kHz to 30
MHz. The QPI-8 is designed for use on a 48 or 60 volt DC bus
(36-76VDC). The in-rush current limit (12A) and circuit
breaker (6A) are designed to satisfy the 200W per board
PICMG3.0?limit up to 70癈 (T
) before de-rating.
The under and over voltage thresholds can be trimmed
separately via the UVEN and OV inputs using external series
resistors. The Power Good active low output can be used to
disable a converter until its input bulk capacitors are fully
charged to the bus voltage. The QPI-8s active filter greatly
reduces the amount of board space typically required for EMI
The QPI-8 is available as a lidded
or an open-frame SiP (System-in-
Package)   with   LGA   mounting.
Evaluation boards are available to
allow for quick in-circuit testing of
the QPI-8LZ within an existing
system design.
?   40 dB CM attenuation at 250 KHz (50?/SPAN>)
?   70 dB DM attenuation at 250 KHz (50?/SPAN>)
?   80 Vdc (max input)
?   100 Vdc surge 100 ms
?   1,500 Vdc hipot hold off to shield plane
?   6 A delayed circuit breaker rating, 12 A current limited
?   25.3 x 25.3 x 5.2 mm Lidded SiP (System-in-Package)
?   24.9 x 24.9 x 4.4 mm Open-frame SiP
?   Low profile LGA package
?   -40?/SPAN> to +125?/SPAN>C Ambient temperature (see Figure 19)
?   Efficiency >99%
?   Connect in series for higher attenuation
?   T?/SPAN>V Certified
?   ATCA blades
?   Telecom base stations
?   IBA & distributed power
?   Network switches and routers
?   Optical line-cards
?   TD-SCMA wireless infrastructure
Typical Application:
Figure 2 Typical QPI-8 application schematic with a Vicor Mini brick converter.
Note 1: CSW capacitor, referenced in all schematics, is a 47uF electrolytic; United Chemi-Con EMVE101ARA470MKE0S or equivalent.
CY1 to CY4, referenced in all schematics, are 4.7nF hi-voltage safety capacitors; Vishay VY1472M63Y5UQ63V0 or equivalent.
CIN is the converter manufacturers recommended value for input capacitor. OPTO ISOL has a CTR of 200%, CEL PS2561 or equivalent.
The value of RPG is dependent on the selected Opto-isolator and QPI-8s PWRGD current limit.
Figure 1 - QPI-8LZ
~1 in